Travis Rice Japan Feature Image

Travis Rice: Peaks, Pillows and Pow Japan Go Pro edit

The Japan section was one of the highlights of The Fourth Phase and Travis is back with more from Hakuba in this edit of extra footage from Go Pro. Capturing the lighter side of filming with mellow tree runs in deep powder, it shows a more human side of Travis goofing around with Lando. It also shows that they suffer from the same problems as everyone else in Hakuba’s maritime snowpack – snow covering the Go Pro lense from faceshots!

Do you think he likes it? Lando doing the powder stoke face:screen-shot-2016-10-25-at-11-23-32-pm

The gnarly is in there too, with some serious roadside pillow lines that end badly if you get your line wrong or fail to stop in time. There’s another look at Travis setting off a slide as he picks a line down a ridge, carrying on and riding it out. This has a more ominous feeling to it now, foreshadowing the massive avalanche that dominates the end of the movie. As Travis points out, the Japan Alps are beautiful but fickle. If the Fourth Phase got you stoked for the backcountry here, we strongly suggest you get educated and hire a guide.

You know how the fisheye on a Go Pro makes things look less steep? This still looks silly steep. Lando about to play “Just follow my line and don’t turn right” with Travis:screen-shot-2016-10-25-at-11-20-29-pm
See more behind the scenes shots and get the full movie here: