
Japan Grabs is a window on the snowboarding scene in Japan.

We live and ride in Japan, but this isn’t about us.

It’s a platform to allow more of the people, places and events that make up the Japanese sideways culture scene to express themselves in English.

Japan has received massive snowboard media attention but often the local scenes are passed over. Japan Grabs bridges the cultural and language divide to bring you original interviews, features, reviews and slices of sideways life from Japan.

We love snowboards. We are gear nerds too. We believe that good design should be recognized. Japan Grabs is a source of honest and independent in-depth user reviews to enable riders to make better informed gear choices.

What’s your Japan Grab? Do you have a story to tell? A powder board that just won’t sink? Drop us a line here.


Now stop looking at the internet. Go shred!